Tuesday 19 April 2016

Good morning! and a beautiful day too this Tuesday.  Sunshine here and the washing is hung out to dry.  A day for being inspired by Spring!

I love this time of year when spring flowers are out and the leaves are budding, a time for intense bird song too.  Its been a massive transition time for me at the moment, I've moved house and area, back to where I feel comfortable, back home and its been a good move.  Plenty of beauty around me, plenty of wonderful birdsong  from the woody, shrubby gardens around my home and it makes my heart sing!  Its making the creative juices flow better for me, in fact I am just IN THE FLOW! I thought I'd post below the beginnings of a silver goose that I started some time ago but never finished.  I start all my sculptures by making them by hand, first out of a material called wood chip clay powder.  They are allowed to dry, and then I start to cover them layer by layer with fine silver clay in paste form.  The silver clay I use is 99% silver, the remaining percent being a very fine clay binder.  This can take a while and a lot of patience.  The sculpture has to be fully dry before applying another layer.  It is then fired in a kiln.  This particular goose is quite large and will probably become an ornament standing on a base but I'm looking forward to getting on with making him into a fine, shiny and handsome silver bird.

Monday 18 April 2016

Welcome to my blog!

Good morning! and welcome to the blog for Silver Wren & Oak.  I will be posting here regularly about stuff I'm making and posting on Etsy, offers, events and exhibitions so please drop in every now and then to update.  You can also update by looking on on Facebook too (Silver Wren & Oak).

Today I have posted a photo of a delicate pair of silver shell shaped  earrings that are almost ready for an exhibition in Lancaster, UK at Arteria Ltd.  I have to send them off today for hallmarking along with a few other items.

I am also in the process of making some more sculptures of birds.  I love making these.  It is almost a meditive process for me, taking me out of myself and into the beauty of nature. 

Please ask me if you would like more information about commissions etc.  Any piece of jewellery I make is completely done by hand and no two pieces are ever the same.  Later on, I will explain the process of making these sculptures above - in the meantime enjoy the sunshine of today and the warmth it brings your heart x